Welcome to inthebarbiz.com ,
for people that work in the bar business.
help,benefits, discounts, ideas for Bartenders / Servers.
This will be an interactive site designed for bartenders and people are working In The Biz.
Benifits are are going to be added for bartenders - members of this site will get offers for group rates an discounts, little things to help us people inthebarbiz.
Once the site is fully operational the bartender can direct people to his or her profile and let their customers know where they are working and what shifts they are working.
The bartenders' profile can be searchable by everyone or set private so a select few of your customers can find you. This is separate from a social network without you giving away info you don't want to give away.
please enter your name and e-mail address in the tab to the left, to sign up. Have a photo or head shot of your self so your customers can find you.
We all understand the bar business, with regard to names. As bartenders we identify customers by what they drink or do, to other bartenders. Likewise customers give bartenders nick names also. At times behind the bar alias are used, we are known to customers by a nick name or "call sign". You can choose which name you'd like as an login.
This site will allow you to pick which name to use. A "Bar name" you use or your own name, can be used on the site.
The name on the site will read inthebarbiz.com/(what ever you choose)
You can include the info in your e-mail to your friends and customers, print the information on business cards and hand them out to customers.
You don't have to give out your phone number or personal facebook account info - that's for your friends and family!
Giving away a business card while outside of the bar, is a tool for self promotion.
This page is for people inthebiz or in the bar biz.
Pineapple upside down cake drink : Vanilla vodka pineapple juice , pour grenadine down the side so it settles on the bottom of the glass. UPDATE - Now that cake vodka is all the rage instead of vanilla use cake vodka.